lady & gentleman CITY

«lady & gentleman CITY» — the first federal network of multi-brand and monobrand stores of fashion clothing, shoes and accessories.


Types of traffic lady & gentleman CITY

Table lady & gentleman CITY

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Paid order (new client) lady & gentleman CITY Online Shops CPS 10.0 %
2 Active Paid order (old client) lady & gentleman CITY Online Shops CPS 5.0 %

Popular Offers in category Online Shops

Finn Flare

eCPC: 37.4 CR: 11.4%


eCPC: 5.0 CR: 0.63%


eCPC: 2.9 CR: 0.58%


eCPC: 0.04 CR: 1.3%


eCPC: 3.26 CR: 1.9%

Kuper (ex.SberMarket)

eCPC: 4.76 CR: 0.01%