22bet.com (Revenue Share) - Afrika

Gambling / Lotteries 1553
22bet.com (Revenue Share) - Afrika

Affiliate partner map

Available countries for partnerships

United States : US Cambodia : KH Qatar : QA Uganda : UG Chad : TD Trinidad and Tobago : TT Myanmar : MM Armenia : AM Tajikistan : TJ Honduras : HN Peru : PE Saudi Arabia : SA Botswana : BW Ecuador : EC Ghana : GH Mozambique : MZ Lao PDR : LA Jamaica : JM Japan : JP Afghanistan : AF Guinea-Bissau : GW S. Sudan : SS Cyprus : CY Benin : BJ Malaysia : MY Mauritania : MR Yemen : YE Malawi : MW Taiwan : TW Madagascar : MG Iraq : IQ Brazil : BR Iran : IR Congo : CG Lesotho : LS Sri Lanka : LK India : IN Kyrgyzstan : KG Mexico : MX Panama : PA W. Sahara : EH Suriname : SR Jordan : JO Burundi : BI Liberia : LR El Salvador : SV Albania : AL Canada : CA Argentina : AR Mongolia : MN Belize : BZ Côte d'Ivoire : CI Kuwait : KW Dominican Rep. : DO Lebanon : LB Niger : NE Timor-Leste : TL Zimbabwe : ZW United Arab Emirates : AE Gabon : GA Korea : KR Togo : TG Dem. Rep. Korea : KP Central African Rep. : CF Nepal : NP Paraguay : PY Syria : SY Tanzania : TZ Dem. Rep. Congo : CD Indonesia : ID Egypt : EG Costa Rica : CR Sudan : SD Burkina Faso : BF Zambia : ZM Guatemala : GT Guyana : GY Mali : ML Uruguay : UY Bangladesh : BD Venezuela : VE Eritrea : ER Gambia : GM Djibouti : DJ Guinea : GN Chile : CL Bahamas : BS Kazakhstan : KZ Uzbekistan : UZ Philippines : PH Cuba : CU Brunei : BN Falkland Is. : FK Nicaragua : NI Turkey : TR Sierra Leone : SL Senegal : SN Eq. Guinea : GQ Ethiopia : ET Colombia : CO Vietnam : VN Kenya : KE Tunisia : TN Rwanda : RW China : CN Nigeria : NG Israel : IL Angola : AO Libya : LY Bolivia : BO Pakistan : PK Oman : OM Somalia : SO Thailand : TH Namibia : NA Cameroon : CM Turkmenistan : TM Algeria : DZ Georgia : GE Morocco : MA Bhutan : BT Palestine : PS Azerbaijan : AZ

Affiliate Offers 22bet.com (Revenue Share) - Afrika

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Revenue Share Gambling / Lotteries RevShare 25.0 %
2 Active Registration Gambling / Lotteries CPL 0.0

Traffic Types 22bet.com (Revenue Share) - Afrika

Adult Traffic Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Cashback Traffic ClickUnder Ads Contextual Advertising Doorway Traffic Email Marketing Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Popup Ads Push Notifications Retarget Targeted Social Media Ads Teaser networks Toolbar Ads Video Traffic Website

Description 22bet.com (Revenue Share) - Afrika

22bet.com - an international company with its head office located in Curacao, offers lovers of sport and active fans a new level of service.

The purpose offera:

  • Profit from the players.

The target audience:

  • Men and women 18+.

Details and advantages:

  • A wide range of sports and entertainment events;
  • Bets on virtual sport;
  • Financial rate;
  • Admission domatchevyh rates and rates LIVE;
  • Highs and high coefficients;
  • Individual increases in the maximum rates and the conclusion of the exclusive wagering on the player's request;
  • Guaranteed payment of big wins on the next day, and instant payment of winnings for betting LIVE;
  • The reliability in the calculation of each bet.

Benefits offera:

  • Fixed and high payouts.
  • Russian-speaking operators.
  • A wide range of received traffic.
  • For the convenience of players 22bet.com cooperates with the leading electronic payment systems that allows you to quickly replenish the balance of the personal account.

Rules 22bet.com (Revenue Share) - Afrika


GEO: Africa.

Gambling &Betting:

🇰🇪 KE (English speaking country)

🇳🇬NG (English speaking country)

🇺🇬UG (English speaking country)

🇿🇲ZM (English speaking country)

Only betting:

🇸🇳SN (French speaking country)

🇨🇩 CD (French speaking country)

🇨🇬 CG (French speaking country)

🇲🇿MZ (Portuguese speaking country)

🇬🇮 GH (English speaking country)

The Partner's earnings have no fixed value. It depends on the bookmaker's income received from those players who have registered using the Partner's link. Commissions, bonuses, the total turnover of funds, the attracted Player do not affect the Partner's earnings, which amount to 25% of the net profit of the BC made by the Partner's players. 

  • Please note that in accordance with the Federal Law "On Advertising" and the Federal Law "On the Securities Market", it is prohibited to advertise financial services and financial activities of forex dealers who do not have Central Bank accreditation and have not joined a specialized self-regulatory organization.
  • Advertise.ru warns its partners about potential violations when placing advertising materials on their part and recommends that they familiarize themselves with the above-mentioned Federal Laws before launching advertising campaigns.
  • Advertise.ru is not responsible for the actions of third parties that violate the legislation of the Russian Federation "On advertising.

Exclude traffic types:

  • Motivated traffic.
  • Contextual advertising for the Brand.

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