GEO: Africa.
Gambling &Betting:
🇰🇪 KE (English speaking country)
🇳🇬NG (English speaking country)
🇺🇬UG (English speaking country)
🇿🇲ZM (English speaking country)
Only betting:
🇸🇳SN (French speaking country)
🇨🇩 CD (French speaking country)
🇨🇬 CG (French speaking country)
🇲🇿MZ (Portuguese speaking country)
🇬🇮 GH (English speaking country)
The Partner's earnings have no fixed value. It depends on the bookmaker's income received from those players who have registered using the Partner's link. Commissions, bonuses, the total turnover of funds, the attracted Player do not affect the Partner's earnings, which amount to 25% of the net profit of the BC made by the Partner's players.
- Please note that in accordance with the Federal Law "On Advertising" and the Federal Law "On the Securities Market", it is prohibited to advertise financial services and financial activities of forex dealers who do not have Central Bank accreditation and have not joined a specialized self-regulatory organization.
- Advertise.ru warns its partners about potential violations when placing advertising materials on their part and recommends that they familiarize themselves with the above-mentioned Federal Laws before launching advertising campaigns.
- Advertise.ru is not responsible for the actions of third parties that violate the legislation of the Russian Federation "On advertising.
Exclude traffic types:
- Motivated traffic.
- Contextual advertising for the Brand.