Beauty Patches

Online Shops 1726
Beauty Patches

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Affiliate Offers Beauty Patches

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Paid order Online Shops CPS 15.38 %

Traffic Types Beauty Patches

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Cashback Traffic ClickUnder Ads Contextual Advertising Doorway Traffic Email Marketing Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Popup Ads Push Notifications Targeted Social Media Ads Teaser networks Toolbar Ads Video Traffic Website

Description Beauty Patches

Beauty Patches is a very young and very promising online cosmetics store with delivery throughout Russia. For 3 years we have grown from a small “warehouse” in the corner of a room with two or three orders a day, into a cool company with a large warehouse, a friendly team and hundreds of satisfied customers every day.

Offer goals:

  • Paid order.

Target audience:

  • Men – 15%.
  • Women – 85%.

Details and Benefits:

  • Own warehouse and constantly updated assortment.
  • Delivery throughout Russia.
  • Cool promotions and bonuses.
  • A real beauty community.  It is with great pleasure that we conduct consultations and every time we rejoice, reading enthusiastic reviews and impressions about our cosmetics.

Advantages of the offer:

  • Active participation in the process of resolving disputes.
  • Stylish banners that attract attention will be ready for each promotion.
  • Constant improvement of the site – enriching content, improving usability.

Rules Beauty Patches


GEO: Russia.

Target audience.

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