Gambling / Lotteries 2299 (CPA)

Affiliate partner map

Affiliate Offers (CPA)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active First deposit (KE) - ASO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 8.0 USD
2 Active First deposit (KE) - FB Gambling / Lotteries CPA 8.0 USD
3 Active First deposit (KE) - PPC, SEO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 8.0 USD
4 Active First deposit (LK) - ASO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 23.0 USD
5 Active First deposit (NP) - PPC, SEO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 14.0 USD
6 Active First deposit (KE) - in-app, tik-tok Gambling / Lotteries CPA 8.0 USD
7 Active First deposit (LK) - PPC, SEO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 28.0 USD
8 Active First deposit (LK) - FB Gambling / Lotteries CPA 20.0 USD
9 Active First deposit (LK) - in-app, tik-tok Gambling / Lotteries CPA 12.0 USD
10 Active First deposit - Min dep (BD) - PPC, SEO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 25.0 USD
11 Active First deposit - Min dep (BD) - FB Gambling / Lotteries CPA 10.0 USD
12 Active First deposit - Min dep (IN) - FB Gambling / Lotteries CPA 25.0 USD
13 Active First deposit - Min dep (IN) - ASO, SEO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 25.0 USD
14 Active Registration Gambling / Lotteries CPL 0.0
15 Active First deposit - Min dep (BD) - ASO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 20.0 USD
16 Active First deposit (NP) - in-app, tik-tok Gambling / Lotteries CPA 8.0 USD
17 Active First deposit (NP) - ASO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 12.0 USD
18 Active First deposit - Min dep (IN) - PPC Gambling / Lotteries CPA 25.0 USD
19 Active First deposit (NP) - FB Gambling / Lotteries CPA 8.0 USD

Traffic Types (CPA)

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Contextual Advertising Doorway Traffic Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Targeted Social Media Ads Website

Description (CPA) is one of the few who offers to bet Live (during the match). This opportunity significantly increases interest in a sporting event. Choose a suitable live event from an extensive list in the relevant section of the site, get and analyze up-to-date information during the match, and then place a bet online in at any moment of the game.

Details and Advantages:

  • An impressive selection of sporting events − from real to virtual.
  • A large number of live bets available online.
  • Fast and transparent calculation of bids.
  • High odds that allow you to win large sums with small bets.
  • Convenient schemes for withdrawing funds and replenishing the account.
  • Professional service, including operational technical support.
  • A guarantee of payout of winnings, backed up by the reputation and experience of the office.
  • Fixed payout. 
  • A wide range of received traffic.
  • High demand, well-known BC company.
  • Bilbet is the maximum opportunity in bookmaking.

Rules (CPA)

Minimum deposit: 300 INR.

400 BDT is a unique bKash API payment with a p2c solution. A very popular and well-known method of replenishment.

1000 LKR / ~3.3$

200 KES / ~1.5$ 

400 NPR / ~3.0$

Baseline: no.


  • Motive is not paid, FTD without bets, scammers, multiaccounts and test conversions.
  • The number of repeated deposits must be at least 100% of the amount of ftd for a period of 2 weeks.
  • The average user's check for all traffic is at least $ 10 for a period of 2 weeks.
  • The payback of traffic for the first week of the gulf is at least 20% according to GGR.
  • The amount of turnover of bets on real money is x3 of the amount of deposits.

CR: reg2dep averages 35%.

Test limit: 20 deposits.

The best traffic sources: ASO, PPC.

Languages: En, CA, UA, RU, KZ, FR, DE, FI, ES, PT.

Number of registration fields: 3.


  • Multiaccounts, inactive players, minors, and any motivated traffic are not paid.
  • The postback is sent to the fact that the FTD was entered by the player in realtime.
  • If any kind of fraud is detected, ALL traffic is not paid to the partner.
  • It is forbidden to specify the minimum deposit amount in creatives.
  • If necessary (there are doubts about traffic), the advertiser has the right to hold for 1-2 weeks in order to look at the quality of traffic, user activity, profitability.

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