Contactovip ES (CPA)

Adult 1609
Contactovip ES (CPA)

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Affiliate Offers Contactovip ES (CPA)

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Registration Adult CPL 0.0
2 Active CPA (ES) Adult CPS 65.0 USD

Traffic Types Contactovip ES (CPA)

Adult Traffic Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Cashback Traffic ClickUnder Ads Contextual Advertising Contextual Advertising Doorway Traffic Email Marketing Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Popup Ads Push Notifications Retarget Targeted Social Media Ads Teaser networks Toolbar Ads Video Traffic Website

Description Contactovip ES (CPA)

Contactovip - dating for adults.

The purpose of the offer:

  • Purchase a subscription.

Target audience:

  • 18+

Details and Advantages:

  • Free registration.
  • Confidentiality.
  • High - quality support service .

Advantages of the offer:

  • A very simple targeted action.
  • A substantial payout.
  • A large selection of permitted traffic sources.

Rules Contactovip ES (CPA)


  • Mislid and misleading of users is prohibited. 

Exclude traffic types:

  • Motivated traffic.

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