Huggies ePOME

Online Shops 1989
Huggies ePOME

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Affiliate Offers Huggies ePOME

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Заполненная форма на получение купона Online Shops CPA 130.0 RUB

Traffic Types Huggies ePOME

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Cashback Traffic Contextual Advertising Email Marketing Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Targeted Social Media Ads Video Traffic Website

Description Huggies ePOME

Huggies offers high-quality products for baby's delicate skin care from the moment of birth to the first steps, the first visit to the pool and, finally, potty training.

Advantages of the offer:

  • Working with a major brand.
  • The ability to scale.
  • Simple targeted action

Details and Benefits:

  • We give a coupon for Huggies panties with an additional discount of 200 rubles.
  • Specially designed materials are gentle, like a mother's hug.
  • Without perfumes.
  • Skin-friendly materials.


  • Audience ePOME mothers with children under 6 months

Rules Huggies ePOME


  • The offer has a cap test for the first month.
  • It is very important to set up an advertising campaign for an audience - mothers with children up to 6 months old.
  • The campaign is active until the end of the year.


  • The main KPI for the quality of leads (registrations) is 30% of redeemed coupons from the total volume of attracted leads.
  • If the site withstands it, then the payment goes for the full amount of placement.
  • If the percentage of redeemed coupons is less than 10% of the total, then payment is only for redeemed coupons.
  • If the repayment percentage is from 11% to 29%, then the payment goes for all redeemed coupons + half of the outstanding amount.

Form Filling Steps:

  • The person clicks "get coupon".
  • Fills out the form: Name, phone, email, date of birth / expected date of birth of the baby, where to use the coupon (Detsky Mir, Ozon).
  • The person clicks "Get".
  • The coupon is sent to his email.

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