Ubet new

Gambling / Lotteries 2352
Ubet new

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Affiliate Offers Ubet new

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Deposit - PPC, SEO Gambling / Lotteries CPA 45.0 USD
2 Active Deposit - FB Gambling / Lotteries CPA 38.0 USD
3 Active Deposit - Email, Push, SMS Gambling / Lotteries CPA 28.0 USD
4 Active Deposit - In-app Gambling / Lotteries CPA 36.0 USD
5 Active Registration Gambling / Lotteries CPL 0.0

Traffic Types Ubet new

Applications/Games in Social Networks Contextual Advertising Groups/Communities in Social Networks Mobile Traffic Targeted Social Media Ads Website

Description Ubet new

Ubet betting company started working on the legal market of Kazakhstan in December 2021. The bookmaker accepts bets only online. You can use the PC site, its mobile version, or install an application on your smartphone.


  • Local, legal license on the territory of Kazakhstan.


  • Sports and esports betting.
  • Match Center and TV broadcasts.
  • iOs Mobile application.
  • The best bonus program in Kazakhstan.
  • Results and statistics of matches.
  • Support players 24/7.

Rules Ubet new

Minimum deposit: 100KZT (VISA, MasterCard, FreedomPay, Kassa24, Plus24, Wooppay, Kaspi, Qiwi, Simply, Jusan, Yu-wallet, bcc.kz , PayDala, Kcell, Activ)

Baseline: no.

License: Local, legal license on the territory of Kazakhstan.

KPI: the number of repeated deposits should be more or equal to the number of first deposits.

CR: reg2dep on average - 20-25%

Test limit: 30 deposits

Target audience: KZ 21+

The best traffic sources: SEO, PPC, ASO.

Languages: RU, KZ.

Number of registration fields: 2.

Bonuses: style="color:inherit;font-family:SegoeUISemiBold;font-size:16px;">Features:

  • Multiaccounts, players without activity, minors, any motivated traffic are not paid.
  • All sources need to be coordinated with the manager.
  • If any kind of fraud and fraudulent actions are detected, ALL traffic is not paid to the partner.
  • It is forbidden to specify the minimum deposit amount in creatives.

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Vivatbet (Revenue Share)

eCPC: 0.62 CR: 0.02%