
Gambling / Lotteries 2025

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Affiliate Offers Ticobingo

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active First deposit (min. dep. 2$) Gambling / Lotteries CPA 100.0 USD
2 Active Registration Gambling / Lotteries CPL 0.0

Traffic Types Ticobingo

Applications/Games in Social Networks Banner Ads Contextual Advertising Contextual Advertising Doorway Traffic Email Marketing Mobile Traffic Push Notifications Video Traffic Website

Description Ticobingo

A huge selection of casino games is the pride and joy of Ticobingo. Players can get acquainted with an extensive collection of games, each of which has excellent opportunities to win. Whether it's the latest slots, traditional card and table games, live stickman games or anything else - we are sure that we have them!


  • Ticobingo.com es un sitio de TENBET S.A., licenciado por la Asociación de la Cruz Roja Costarricense, estando esta institución facultada por la Ley de Rifas y Loterías número 7395 para explotar exclusivamente el juego del bingo como medio para recaudar fondos para financiar sus actividades humanitarias en el territorio costarricense.

Details and Benefits:

  • Card and table games are different versions of roulette, poker, blackjack and much more.
  • No installation or download of any programs is required.
  • Welcome bonuses for players.
  • The winning amount is unlimited.
  • 23 ways to top up your account.
  • Personal data is strictly classified.
  • The cookie's lifetime is 90 days.
  • Permanent promotions, bonuses for beginners, jackpots.
  • Rating system and vip club.
  • Regular tournaments and lotteries.

Rules Ticobingo

Minimum deposit: 2$.

Baseline: no.

KPI: player activity.

CR: reg2dep on average - no data, new project.

Test limit: no.

The best traffic sources:  PPC, ASO.

Languages: En, ES.

Number of registration fields: 5.


  • Multiaccounts, inactive players, minors, and any motivated traffic are not paid.
  • Payment for players with a late conversion (more than one month) is made at a rate of $ 60.
  • If any kind of fraud is detected, ALL traffic is not paid to the partner.
  • It is forbidden to specify the minimum deposit amount in creatives.
  • If necessary (there are doubts about traffic), the advertiser has the right to hold for 1-2 weeks in order to look at the quality of traffic, user activity, profitability.
  • Postback is realtime. 

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